Blogging, again?
Well, here I am again, right on cue, writing another “I’m back article after a long pause” article. As cliché as it may sound, life, as many would know it, has gotten in the way. And it’s true. University work has been my top priority for me in 2018. I was too hungry for high marks that everything else around my life hit pause. In saying that, though, that pause was mostly due to me being too comfortable in taking unnecessary breaks from any sort of other work, napping more than I should and once again failing to take action. It left me only a tiny bit of time to work on my university requirements.

Every year, without fail, I’d be spending hours on the computer reading different articles about effective ways of productivity. While very inspiring indeed, and I’m sure it all had been effective to the person sharing it (or they wouldn’t even share it at all), I, however, fail to take action. Organization and idea generation was never a difficult task for me. However, so does procrastination and making excuses. I’ve heard and read it all, all the quotes and blog posts. But without any action, those words of wisdom remain words.

Renewing a blog lease, even after almost a year of non-existent content, seemed like an idiotic move. Especially since I never set out to do the task of writing, taking photos and publishing content after the excitement phase has vanished. Heck! Even right now I’m far from being ready to relaunch this blog. I’ve recycled old photos, no new content ready. Nothing. However, giving up because procrastination and excuses won me over seemed more idiotic to me than forever trying. So I’ve got to try, again.
This year, there is only one word to live by. I chose to be consistent this year. There are no new goals this year except to consistently focus on the past goals I’ve never succeeded in achieving. Because setting up the same goal year after year is not a sign of moving forward in life.

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